Your hidden asset: give your customers a behind-the-scenes insight to your business

When it comes to marketing and promoting your business, one aspect that is often overlooked is showcasing to your customers how you work. Giving your customers and clients a glimpse behind the scenes by unveiling the inner processes that help set you apart from your competitors, can have a significant impact on your brands image. In this post, we will explore why you should consider showing off your business and how to do it effectively.

Transparency builds trust

In an age where consumers are increasingly conscious about where and how their products or services are made, transparency is key. By opening your doors and letting your customers see the inner workings of your business, you build trust. Transparency demonstrates that you have nothing to hide and that you’re proud of what you do. This can go a long way in building a loyal customer base.


Improved customer and social media engagement

Visual content like videos tends to be more engaging than text or static images. Did you know that the human brain processes visual content 60,000 times faster than text and viewers can retain 95% of information conveyed through video whereas text-based information retains only a mere 10%? Using platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube helps you to reach a broader audience and a well-produced tour video can give your customers a much greater understanding of what you do and why you do it. Encourage your followers to ask questions or request specific tours of different areas of your business.


Educational content

By providing a behind-the-scenes look at your business, you can educate your customers about your processes, quality standards, and commitment to sustainability. Highlight how your products are made, the care that goes into the production, and any eco-friendly practices you follow. This not only informs your customers but also demonstrates your commitment to ethical business practices.


Humanise your brand

Showcasing behind-the-scenes of your business humanises your brand. It puts a face to your business and shows that real people are behind it. The personal touch can help customers connect on a deeper level with your products or services and it is a great way to differentiate your business from your faceless competitors.


Employee Engagement

Remember, people buy from people and involving your employees in these tours and content creation can help build stronger client relationships. Plus, happy employees are more likely to be brand advocates and will contribute positively to your company’s culture.


Cost-effective marketing

Once created, a tour video can be used as a marketing tool for an extended period without significant on-going costs, making it a cost-effective way to reach a broader audience.

Showing off a behind-the-scenes tour of your business is a powerful way to connect with your audience, build trust and differentiate your brand. By providing transparency, humanising your business, and by engaging your audience, you can create a lasting impression and develop strong, long-term customer relationships.

So, have you thought about showing off your business using a behind-the-scenes tour? It might just be the missing piece in your marketing strategy that sets your business apart from the competition.

Get in touch with us below to find out more!


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